Monday, December 3, 2012

Oral Presentation Review

There is a reason behind why I am posting three blog posts in one day.  First of all, my computer saved the draft of this first entry, which was a review of my oral presentation that I wrote the day of my presentation (November 20, 2012).  I didn't realize the draft had been saved and not posted.  For this, I send my (not) plentiful readers my apologies, and I hope you understand.  And now, for your enjoyment: my oral presentation review.

I have yet to receive my feedback from classmates regarding my oral presentation, but I think it would be good to reflect on the process.  It's the day before Thanksgiving break, so, understandably, not very many students attended class.  For those who did show up, I would like to apologize for the graphic imagery related to smoking cigarettes that was in my powerpoint.  Some of you looked utterly appalled and disgusted by the image and one of you requested that I skip to the next slide.  I have been taking a human anatomy lab this semester in which I have dissected fresh cow brains, fresh pig hearts and lungs, and even poked around inside a human cadaver.  I find these things fascinating, and I think that over the course of the semester, I have become quite desensitized to these types of images.  I forgot to consider that many people are not as desensitized.  I apologize once again for the disturbing imagery.  For those curious people like me who missed my presentation, I'll post some of the image highlights of my presentation in my next blog post.  As for the gross picture, it can be found HERE

On a lighter note, I thought my presentation went pretty well insofar as I tried to make eye contact, speak clearly, and not stutter.  I tried my best to communicate that I wasn't attacking food, nor was I attacking eating a lot of food!  I don't want to be a fear monger, and I hope my message of research came across without sounding too...'preachy' from a skinny kid.  I hope you guys found it informative and I look forward to receiving your comments!  Choosing my topic has been an interesting road of discovery; I think food addiction is a concept that people have difficulty wrapping their heads around.  Many people casually toss around phrases like "oh my gosh, I am addicted to Reese's pieces."  In all likelihood though, no, you are not addicted.  This type of addiction to food is something so much deeper and more complex than anyone would suspect.  I hope public perception of addiction as it relates to obesity changes and that public officials take the necessary policy reform steps. Also, someone had a fantastic question about whether food addiction's inclusion in the DSM (diagnostic statistical manual—for psychological disorders) would encourage people to seek treatment for insurance purposes.  This is something I will most definitely research soon!  Thanks again everyone, and I look forward to the feedback!

Anyway, despite the fact that no one has commented on my blog (therefore, I assume I have but one lone faculty reader), I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels!


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