Friday, July 10, 2015

Clark Loop Day 2

Wow. Just wow right now. Here's what I'm looking at as the night settles: 

Rutherford Lake and surrounding mountains

Now lemme tell you how I got here. I had a really sweaty night, which is rare for me. Normally I'm in 6 layers, bundled so only my nose is visible, and using hand warmers on my body (like I said, I get very cold), but last night I was a sweaty pig.  I drifted in and out of sleep eventually, so I guess I could consider falling asleep a success, as it is no easy feat for me. Woke up around 7, and didn't get out of camp til almost 9. I wasn't disappointed because hey, where do I need to be? I took some photos, enjoyed my breakfast, and set out on a gentle climb Merced Pass.  I ran into 3 people, one JMTer coming from Quartz Mtn, and a couple headed to Ottowau Lakes. I figured the route to Red Peak Pass was more popular, so I opted to first swing down and east to Fernandez Pass.

Enjoying my morning by Illouette Creek

Climbing to Merced Pass, looking back toward Glacier Point area

Looking up at all the reddish peaks

Love the coconut macadamia Primal Pantry bar!

The climb was fine, I was listening to some Percy Jackson, and I was only a bit sore. As the day wore on, though, so did that soreness grow. Coming down from Merced toward Moraine Meadow, there were many beautiful meadows and a couple of stagnant would-be streams. It made me sad to see the drought taking such a toll up here. Nevertheless, the scenery got more spectacular throughout the day.

Cruising by meadows

Green green green!

A gorgeous little lake nearing the final ascent to Fernandez Pass

This Wild Friends chocolate sunflower seed butter made for an excellent snack break

Ascending the Fernandez Pass, I really began to feel the sneaky little pressure points that Maddie's pack was delivering to my lower back. Granted, I probably overloaded the weight on this pack, but it was an uncomfortable climb all the same.  The views continued to get even better. It was at Breeze Lake that I made the mistake of not filling up on water...

The climb up Fernandez was STEEP

Made it!

At the top of the pass was where I decided to have a little fun. There were some moderately angry-looking clouds to the east hanging over Banner and the Minarets, but I had blue skies and a hankering for some lunch.  After I dusted the last of my water and some food, I decided to scramble up one of the side peaks in hopes of a good panoramic view. And man was I glad I did!

Looking east to Banner and Ritter

#PoweredByChia...but seriously these are so addicting

A selfie with my DIY pole/tripod/earbud selfie stick

That view though...

Coming back down to grab my stuff

After leaving the pass, I came across a couple of fantastic campsites...but I didn't have any damn water! And I suspected/feared I wouldn't have more for another 2-4 miles or so. So as much as I wanted to stop and call it a day, my aching body, and blistered heels plodded onward. Honestly my pace was pretty slow, but I don't care, my body needed some TLC. 

Crossing into Ansel Adams Wilderness

With no water and my body betraying me, I banked on hitting the first body of water I came across, which happened to be a series of lakes half a mile off trail. Granted, Rutherford Lake was an additional 400-500 foot climb, but it had to be done. I trudged my way over the crest of what I sensed was the last bit of hill, What a sight. The lake was beautiful, perfect. I saw a group of campers across the lake but I opted to plop down at the first site I found. 

Down off Fernandez Pass

Lakeside and lovin it

Purple mountain's majesty, indeed

Flooded with relief, I set up camp and set about taking care of my neglected feet.  The pain comes in waves, but it looks worse than it feels. And now, finally I'm in bed, and ready to finish the last 26 minutes of Percy Jackson. Until tomorrow!

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